Numerus  v2.0.0
Roman numerals conversion and manipulation C library.
Go to the documentation of this file.
14 #include <math.h> /* For `round()`, `floor()` */
15 #include <ctype.h> /* For `isspace()` */
16 #include <stdio.h> /* For `snprintf()` */
17 #include <stdlib.h> /* For `malloc()` */
18 #include <string.h> /* For `strcasecmp()` */
19 #include <stdbool.h> /* To use booleans `true` and `false` */
20 #include "numerus_internal.h"
32 short _num_is_zero(char *roman) {
33  if (*roman == '-') {
34  roman++;
35  }
36  if (strcasecmp(roman, NUMERUS_ZERO) != 0) {
37  return false;
38  } else {
39  return true;
40  };
41 }
59 void _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(char **roman, int **errcode) {
60  if (*errcode == NULL) {
61  *errcode = &numerus_error_code;
62  }
63  if (*roman == NULL) {
66  return;
67  }
68  while (isspace(**roman)) {
69  (*roman)++;
70  }
71  if (**roman == '\0') {
74  return;
75  }
77  **errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
78 }
98 short numerus_is_zero(char *roman, int *errcode) {
99  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
100  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
101  return false;
102  }
103  return _num_is_zero(roman);
104 }
128 short numerus_is_long_numeral(char *roman, int *errcode) {
129  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
130  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
131  return false;
132  }
133  short i = 0;
134  short underscores_found = 0;
135  while (*roman != '\0') {
136  if (i > NUMERUS_MAX_LENGTH) {
139  return false;
140  }
141  if (*roman == '_') {
142  underscores_found++;
143  }
144  i++;
145  roman++;
146  }
147  if (underscores_found == 2) {
149  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
150  return true;
151  } else if (underscores_found == 0){
153  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
154  return false;
155  } else if (underscores_found == 1){
158  return false;
159  } else {
162  return false;
163  }
164 }
186 short numerus_is_float_numeral(char *roman, int *errcode) {
187  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
188  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
189  return false;
190  }
191  short i = 0;
192  while (*roman != '\0') {
193  if (i > NUMERUS_MAX_LENGTH) {
196  return false;
197  }
198  if (*roman == 'S' || *roman == 's' || *roman == '.') {
200  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
201  return true;
202  } else {
203  i++;
204  }
205  roman++;
206  }
208  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
209  return false;
210 }
232 short numerus_sign(char *roman, int *errcode) {
233  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
234  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
235  return 0;
236  }
237  if (_num_is_zero(roman)) {
238  return 0;
239  }
240  if (*roman == '-') {
241  return -1;
242  } else {
243  return 1;
244  }
245 }
266 short numerus_count_roman_chars(char *roman, int *errcode) {
267  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
268  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
269  return -1;
270  }
271  if (_num_is_zero(roman)) {
273  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
274  return (short) strlen(NUMERUS_ZERO);
275  }
276  short i = 0;
277  while (*roman != '\0') {
278  if (i > NUMERUS_MAX_LENGTH) {
281  return -2;
282  }
283  switch (toupper(*roman)) {
284  case '_': {
285  roman++; // ignore underscores
286  break;
287  }
288  case '-':
289  case 'M':
290  case 'D':
291  case 'C':
292  case 'L':
293  case 'X':
294  case 'V':
295  case 'I':
296  case 'S':
297  case '.': {
298  roman++;
299  i++; // count every other roman char
300  break;
301  }
302  default: {
303  if (isspace(*roman)) {
306  return -3;
307  } else {
310  return -4;
311  }
312  }
313  }
314  }
316  *errcode = NUMERUS_OK;
317  return i;
318 }
344 short numerus_compare_value(char *roman_bigger, char *roman_smaller, int *errcode) {
345  if (errcode == NULL) {
346  errcode = &numerus_error_code;
347  }
348  short twelfths_bigger;
349  long int_part_bigger = numerus_roman_to_int_part_and_twelfths(roman_bigger,
350  &twelfths_bigger,
351  errcode);
352  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
353  numerus_error_code = *errcode;
354  return 0;
355  }
356  short twelfths_smaller;
357  long int_part_smaller = numerus_roman_to_int_part_and_twelfths(
358  roman_smaller, &twelfths_smaller, errcode);
359  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
360  numerus_error_code = *errcode;
361  return 0;
362  }
363  if (int_part_bigger > int_part_smaller) {
364  return 1;
365  } else if (int_part_bigger < int_part_smaller) {
366  return -1;
367  } else {
368  /* Equal int parts */
369  if (twelfths_bigger > twelfths_smaller) {
370  return 1;
371  } else if (twelfths_bigger < twelfths_smaller) {
372  return -1;
373  } else {
374  /* Equal twelfths */
375  return 0;
376  }
377  }
378 }
388 static size_t _num_overlining_alloc_size(char *roman) {
389  size_t alloc_size_to_add = 0;
390  char *first_underscore = NULL;
391  char *second_underscore = NULL;
392  while (second_underscore == NULL && *roman != '\0') {
393  if (*roman == '_') {
394  if (first_underscore == NULL) {
395  first_underscore = roman;
396  } else {
397  second_underscore = roman;
398  }
399  } else {
400  alloc_size_to_add++;
401  }
402  roman++;
403  }
404  /* Includes space for a '\n' */
405  alloc_size_to_add += second_underscore - first_underscore;
406  return alloc_size_to_add;
407 }
441 char *numerus_overline_long_numerals(char *roman, int *errcode) {
442  _num_headtrim_check_numeral_and_errcode(&roman, &errcode);
443  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
444  return NULL;
445  }
446  int length = numerus_count_roman_chars(roman, errcode);
447  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
448  numerus_error_code = *errcode;
449  return NULL;
450  }
451  if (numerus_is_long_numeral(roman, errcode)) {
452  char *pretty_roman_start = malloc(length + _num_overlining_alloc_size(roman));
453  if (pretty_roman_start == NULL) {
456  return NULL;
457  }
458  char *roman_start = roman;
459  char *pretty_roman = pretty_roman_start;
461  /* Skip minus sign */
462  if (*roman == '-') {
463  *(pretty_roman++) = ' ';
464  roman++;
465  }
467  /* Write the overline */
468  roman++; /* Skip first underscore */
469  while (*roman != '_') {
470  *(pretty_roman++) = '_';
471  roman++;
472  }
473  *(pretty_roman++) = '\n';
475  /* Copy the numeral in the second line */
476  roman = roman_start;
477  while (*roman != '\0') {
478  if (*roman == '_') {
479  roman++;
480  } else {
481  *(pretty_roman++) = *roman;
482  roman++;
483  }
484  }
485  *pretty_roman = '\0';
486  return pretty_roman_start;
487  } else {
488  /* Not a long roman numeral or error */
489  if (*errcode != NUMERUS_OK) {
490  numerus_error_code = *errcode;
491  return NULL;
492  } else {
493  char *roman_copy = malloc(strlen(roman) + 1);
494  if (roman_copy == NULL) {
497  return NULL;
498  }
499  strcpy(roman_copy, roman);
500  return roman_copy;
501  }
502  }
503 }
516 static short _num_greatest_common_divisor(short numerator, short denominator) {
517  numerator = ABS(numerator);
518  denominator = ABS(denominator);
519  while (numerator != denominator) {
520  if (numerator > denominator) {
521  numerator -= denominator;
522  } else {
523  denominator -= numerator;
524  }
525  }
526  return numerator;
527 }
548 void numerus_shorten_and_same_sign_to_parts(long *int_part, short *twelfths) {
549  *int_part += *twelfths / 12;
550  *twelfths = *twelfths % (short) 12;
551  if (*int_part > 0 && *twelfths < 0) {
552  *int_part -= 1;
553  *twelfths += 12;
554  } else if (*int_part < 0 && *twelfths > 0) {
555  *int_part += 1;
556  *twelfths -= 12;
557  }
558 }
574 char *numerus_create_pretty_value_as_double(double double_value) {
575  short twelfths;
576  long int_part = numerus_double_to_parts(double_value, &twelfths);
577  return numerus_create_pretty_value_as_parts(int_part, twelfths);
578 }
597 char *numerus_create_pretty_value_as_parts(long int_part, short twelfths) {
598  char *pretty_value;
599  if (twelfths == 0) {
600  size_t needed_space = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%ld", int_part);
601  pretty_value = malloc(needed_space + 1); /* +1 for '\0' */
602  if (pretty_value == NULL) {
604  return NULL;
605  }
606  sprintf(pretty_value, "%ld", int_part);
607  } else {
608  numerus_shorten_and_same_sign_to_parts(&int_part, &twelfths);
609  /* Shorten twelfth fraction */
610  short gcd = _num_greatest_common_divisor(twelfths, 12);
611  size_t needed_space = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%ld, %d/%d", int_part, twelfths/gcd, 12/gcd);
612  pretty_value = malloc(needed_space + 1); /* +1 for '\0' */
613  if (pretty_value == NULL) {
615  return NULL;
616  }
617  sprintf(pretty_value, "%ld, %d/%d", int_part, twelfths/gcd, 12/gcd);
618  }
619  return pretty_value;
620 }
630 struct _num_error_codes {
631  const int code;
632  const char *message;
633 };
640 static struct _num_error_codes _NUM_ERROR_CODES[] = {
642  "The value to be converted to roman is out of conversion range."},
644  "The roman numeral contains a character that is not part of the syntax of roman numerals."},
646  "The roman numeral is too long to be syntactically correct."},
648  "The roman numeral contains too many consecutive repetitions of a repeatable character."},
650  "The roman numeral contains mispositioned characters."},
652  "The roman numeral contains one underscore but not the second one."},
654  "The long roman numeral contains one underscore after the second one."},
656  "The non-long roman numeral contains one underscore."},
658  "The long roman numeral contains decimal characters \"Ss.\" in the long part."},
660  "The roman numeral contains a misplaced minus '-' or more than one."},
662  "The long roman numeral contains an 'M' character after the long part."},
664  "Heap memory allocation failure."},
666  "The pointer to the roman numeral string is NULL."},
668  "The roman numeral string is empty or filled with whitespace."},
670  "The roman numeral string contains whitespace characters, even at the end."},
672  "Everything went all right."},
674  "An unknown or unspecified error happened."}
675 };
689 const char *numerus_explain_error(int error_code) {
690  const struct _num_error_codes *current_code = &_NUM_ERROR_CODES[0];
691  while (current_code->code != 0) {
692  if (error_code == current_code->code) {
693  return current_code->message;
694  } else {
695  current_code++;
696  }
697  }
699 }
712 double numerus_parts_to_double(long int_part, short twelfths) {
713  return (double) (int_part) + twelfths / 12.0;
714 }
728 long numerus_double_to_parts(double value, short *twelfths) {
729  short zero_twelfths = 0;
730  if (twelfths == NULL) {
731  twelfths = &zero_twelfths;
732  }
733  long int_part = (long) value;
734  value -= int_part; /* Get only decimal part */
735  value = round(value * 12) / 12; /* Round to nearest twelfth */
736  value = round(value * 12); /* Get numerator of that twelfth */
737  *twelfths = (short) value;
738  return int_part;
739 }
short numerus_is_zero(char *roman, int *errcode)
Verifies if the roman numeral is of value 0 (zero).
Definition: numerus_utils.c:98
The roman numeral contains too many consecutive repetitions of a repeatable character.
short numerus_compare_value(char *roman_bigger, char *roman_smaller, int *errcode)
Compares the values of two roman numerals, emulating the operator &#39;>&#39;.
short numerus_is_long_numeral(char *roman, int *errcode)
Verifies if the passed roman numeral is a long roman numeral (if contains a correct number of undersc...
short numerus_is_float_numeral(char *roman, int *errcode)
Verifies if the passed roman numeral is a float roman numeral (if contains decimal characters &#39;S&#39; and...
char * numerus_overline_long_numerals(char *roman, int *errcode)
Allocates a string with a prettier representation of a long roman numeral with actual overlining...
The roman numeral contains a misplaced minus &#39;-&#39; or more than one.
The long roman numeral contains one underscore after the second one.
const char * numerus_explain_error(int error_code)
Returns a pointer to the human-friendly text description of any NUMERUS_ERROR_* error code...
The roman numeral contains a character that is not part of the syntax of roman numerals.
#define NUMERUS_OK
Everything went all right.
int numerus_error_code
The global error code variable to store any errors during conversions.
Definition: numerus_core.c:105
Heap memory allocation failure.
The roman numeral string is empty or filled with whitespace.
The roman numeral contains one underscore but not the second one.
short numerus_sign(char *roman, int *errcode)
Returns the sign of the roman numeral.
The long roman numeral contains an &#39;M&#39; character after the long part.
const char * NUMERUS_ZERO
The roman numeral of value 0 (zero).
Definition: numerus_core.c:84
The roman numeral contains mispositioned characters.
The roman numeral is too long to be syntactically correct.
long numerus_roman_to_int_part_and_twelfths(char *roman, short *twelfths, int *errcode)
Converts a roman numeral to its value expressed as pair of its integer part and number of twelfths...
Definition: numerus_core.c:545
double numerus_parts_to_double(long int_part, short twelfths)
Converts a value expressed as sum of an integer part and a number of twelfths to a double...
void numerus_shorten_and_same_sign_to_parts(long *int_part, short *twelfths)
Shortens the twelfths by adding the remainder to the int part so that they have the same sign...
The roman numeral string contains whitespace characters, even at the end.
The long roman numeral contains decimal characters "Ss." in the long part.
The non-long roman numeral contains one underscore.
short numerus_count_roman_chars(char *roman, int *errcode)
Returns the number of roman characters in the roman numeral.
char * numerus_create_pretty_value_as_double(double double_value)
Allocates a string with a prettier representation of a double value of a roman numeral as integer par...
The value to be converted to roman numeral is out of conversion range.
long numerus_double_to_parts(double value, short *twelfths)
Splits a double value to a pair of its integer part and a number of twelfths.
The pointer to the roman numeral string is NULL.
const short int NUMERUS_MAX_LENGTH
The maximum length a roman numeral string may have, including &#39;\0&#39;.
Definition: numerus_core.c:93
char * numerus_create_pretty_value_as_parts(long int_part, short twelfths)
Allocates a string with a prettier representation of a value as an integer and a number of twelfths...
An unknown or unspecified error happened.